Windows 的记事本会给 UTF-8 文件添加 BOM 头,很烦,搞个通用的读取配置文件的代码。可能报这种错误:
configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError: File contains no section headers.
file: 'D:\\Python3Project\\ClearWFWatermark\\config\\config.ini', line: 1
#encoding=utf-8#author: walker#date: 2018-03-31#summary: 读取 UTF-8/UTF-8-BOM 配置文件 import os, sysfrom configparser import ConfigParser SrcRoot = r''DstRoot = r'' #读取配置文件def ReadConfig(): global SrcRoot, DstRoot cfg = ConfigParser() # cfg.optionxform = str # 保持键的大小写 cfgFile = 'config.ini' if not os.path.exists(cfgFile): input(cfgFile + ' not found') sys.exit(-1) with open(cfgFile, mode='rb') as f: content = f.read() if content.startswith(b'\xef\xbb\xbf'): # 去掉 utf8 bom 头 content = content[3:] cfg.read_string(content.decode('utf8')) if not cfg.sections(): input('Read config.ini failed...') sys.exit(-1) SrcRoot = cfg.get('config', 'SrcRoot').strip() if not os.path.exists(SrcRoot): print('Error: not exists %s' % SrcRoot) sys.exit(-1) print('SrcRoot: %s' % SrcRoot) DstRoot = cfg.get('config', 'DstRoot').strip() if not os.path.exists(DstRoot): print('Error: not exists %s' % DstRoot) sys.exit(-1) print('DstRoot: %s' % DstRoot) print('Read config.ini successed!') if __name__ == '__main__': ReadConfig()
λ python3 t.pySrcRoot: D:\inputDstRoot: D:\outputRead config.ini successed!
# encoding: utf-8# author: walker# date: 2018-06-01# summary: 读取配置文件,并转换为二级有序字典,结果其实类似于私有变量 cfg._sectionsimport os, sysfrom collections import OrderedDictfrom configparser import ConfigParserfrom pprint import pprint# 读取配置文件# 返回一个二级字典def ReadConfig(): cfg = ConfigParser() cfg.optionxform = str # 保持键的大小写 cfgFile = 'config.ini' if not os.path.exists(cfgFile): input(cfgFile + ' not found') sys.exit(-1) with open(cfgFile, mode='rb') as f: content = f.read() if content.startswith(b'\xef\xbb\xbf'): # 去掉 utf8 bom 头 content = content[3:] cfg.read_string(content.decode('utf8')) if not cfg.sections(): input('Read config.ini failed...') sys.exit(-1) dic = OrderedDict() for section in cfg.sections(): dic[section] = OrderedDict() for option in cfg.options(section): dic[section][option] = cfg.get(section, option).strip() #pprint(dic) print('Read %s completed!' % cfgFile) return dic
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